When developing software there are many pressures that play a role in the final outcome.
The biggest of these pressures by far is time, anyone who has ever been involved in a software project will recognise that initial inward drawing of breath when the release date is first vocalised.
I'm not about to attempt to argue that these deadlines shouldn't exist, that simply isn't the real world. Product needs to be delivered to end users and this cannot be after their need has passed or after someone else has already provided value.
What I am going to argue is that these deadlines need to be based on input from the whole team and be based on not just delivering software on time but delivering value.
Viable Product
A fundamental part of an Agile approach is Minimum Viable Product (MVP), unfortunately it is also greatly misunderstood.
MVP is not simply a measurement of scope for a release, it is instead a measure of value that will delivered to users.
Their are many factors that go into deciding what constitutes an MVP, time to implement is not one of these factors.
Viability is not a sliding scale, software can not be somewhat viable it either can deliver a use case or it can't, and that use case is either valuable to users or it isn't.
Of course we can iterate, we can improve and we can deliver more, but this brings us to the minimalist approach that should be taken to MVP.
Some think that MVP only ever serves to push out deadlines, the goal of MVP is actually to deliver earlier by not concentrating on polish but identifying how a core need of users can be addressed with the minimum amount of implementation. Refinement and improvement come at an equally optimised pace by defining the next MVP and the next.
Making Effort
Discussions about deadlines often take place from a very entrenched position, I need this and I need it by then.
As we have discussed proper application of MVP can often lead to a realisation that maybe you don't need all those things, but what if you can't reduce scope any further?
Fundamentally a project only has two variables, scope and time, to fix both means the only other levers to be pulled are effort and quality.
A lesson that continues to be a difficult pill to swallow is that its very difficult to create effort and that the majority of the effective ways that this can be achieved are related to a teams structure and not just to the number of members.
Software is a creative process not just a manufacturing process, would a novel be written faster by more authors and maintain its narrative? Would a symphony be composed faster with more maestros and hold its tune?
So we are left with varying quality, the sad thing about this approach is that it often does work in the short term by bank rolling the release on technical debt. But with equal certainty it will also be the downfall of future releases when the interest on that debt has to be paid.
Release Early, Release Often
So I said I wasn't going to argue against deadlines, some reading this may think thats exactly what I've done but actually what I'm proposing is that we introduce more deadlines.
Rather than viewing the Agile process as a brake on driving towards deadlines we should see it as providing the acceleration that means we knock them off earlier then we thought possible.
An Agile approach means we can chip away at a mountain of scope, we may not be able to see the summit but we can establish the base camps that will be the factor in a successful ascent.
Rather than concentrating on the final release that will be the fruition of our grand plan identify the layers of value that means we can deliver something to our users to get them on board and help them keep the faith.
This means breaking away from waterfall thinking and embracing the iterative nature of Agile.
Letting go of the illusion of control that anything can be made to happen in any timeframe, instead making the most of what the teams is capable of by identifying whats the next best thing we could deliver to incrementally deliver value.