The role of a Software Architect is not a purely technical role within an organisation.
While you are tasked with ensuring technical competence you must also have an appreciation for the business goals of your organisation and understand what is required of you to help achieve them.
The majority of companies are not in the software production business, they are in the solution delivery business.
That means that being a Software Architect is a delicate balance between ensuring software is being built in the right way but also ensuring that it ships to customers so it can deliver value.
This requires a pragmatic outlook taking into account many different factors and influences and finding a way forward on all fronts.
Debt Accounting
Technical debt is incurred whenever a sub-optimal choice is made in the solution to a problem.
This is very different from implementing something badly, instead this can mean not dealing with all edge cases, not optimising performance or not implementing all possible variations of a feature that may be technically possible.
This amounts to trying to rationalise the scope of work and ensuring that something that is viable is achieved within opportune timescales.
Viable in this context means not only that it delivers tangible value to users but that the value is delivered via the application of viable engineering, meaning it is testable, scaleable and adaptable.
Whenever you chose to incur technical debt, and you will be faced with situations where you have to, ensure that you understand the nature of the debt, the limitations it will impose and how you will engineer it out of the product when the time comes.
No project is free of tech debt so having an effective strategy for dealing with it is an essential skill.
Maximising Opportunities
As an Architect your primary goal within your organisation is to engineer the solutions it requires, but achieving this by the application of solid engineering principles is no less important.
These dual responsibilities will often clash which is why you must always be on the look out for opportunities to advance both causes when they arrive.
Your organisation will primarily be concerned with the delivery of features, the details will be left in your hands, so learn to recognise an opportunity to deliver a solution and advance your underlying engineering platform at the same time.
Alternatively by having a close understanding of any previously incurred tech debt you may also be able to advance a solution that addresses these issues as well as delivering the required value.
In this sense you can save others in the organisation from themselves by giving them the solution they need rather than necessarily the one they are asking for.
Pragmatism in knowing which battles to fight would also come under this banner, knowing when the business imperative is too strong to try and turn the situation in an opportunity for refactoring or engineering.
All in the Presentation
Architects often cross the divide in an organisation between the technical and the non-technical.
This often means developing two different forms of communication, you must be able to explain technical concepts to those being asked to implement them but conversely explain the same items in plain english to those being asked to fund or resource the development.
One set of people want to understand the detail and get to grips with the technicalities of what is being asked for and one does not.
When talking to non-technical people through an architecture the conversation has to focus on the benefits that will be realised by taking a particular approach, shaping the conversation like this enables people to make the correct decisions.
As proud as you may be of your solution, the details of your genius will not have the desired impact on your non-technical colleagues, it is much better to talk in terms of outcomes rather than the technicalities of getting there.
Being a valuable member of a team usually involves being well rounded enough to able to see problems and challenges from multiple perspectives.
As an architect being a zealot who only ever thinks about the technology will ultimately decrease your value to the team and reduce the effectiveness of your solutions.
In any aspect of life finding balance can be difficult but simply being open to the possibility that an organisation has goals beyond simply producing software is a good start.