Monday, 19 February 2018

Bring Out Your Defects

Debugging is a universal pain known to all developers and software engineers, despite our best efforts to improve and get it right this time its an inevitable outcome given the complexity of writing code at scale.

It can have many stages from denial and anger to acceptance and ultimate resolution.

Given that, engaging in debugging is unavoidable and its clear that we need a strategy for effective debugging. For many this is built up from the scars and wounds of previous battles with a code base, it will also be influenced by the particular area of development that you operate.

What is presented here is far from a full proof strategy that will always enable you to root out defects quickly and painlessly, but any tips and tricks can be useful to have in your armoury when you go into battle.

Don't Panic

First and foremost don't beat yourself up when a bug is uncovered, writing bug free code is virtually impossible once your code base grows beyond a certain size. Developers and development teams should be judged on how they deal with defects not simply whether or not they exist.

The majority of defects will be simple mistakes, when a defect first appears we can often assume it has a complicated root cause. Instead, accept your human fallibility and expect to find out that you've just had a momentary failing of intelligence.

The first action should be to make sure that you understand the manifestation of the defect and you have a path to reproduce, without that not only will you struggle to find the cause you will also have little confidence that a potential fix is effective.

Once you start attempting to find a fix try to reduce the number of variables in play, change one thing at a time and have a heightened sense of when you've reached a point where your not sure of the logic of what your trying anymore. 

When it works you need to be able to explain why.

For a complex defect you will more than likely have several false starts, reset your approach whenever your in a situation where even if something works you won't be sure how your got there.

Use Your Tests

Unit tests are invaluable in proving your code works after you make a change, they also have equal value in demonstrating how your code isn't working.

Well written tests act as documentation for how things are supposed to work as well as providing an effective test harness to enable you to exercise the problematic piece of code.

When a defect has been identified, assuming you don't already have a failing test, construct a test that will expose the problem and use this as your primary means to attack the issue.

Not only will this help you analyse and ultimately fix the problem it will ensure that any potential future regression can be identified quickly and stopped.

The tests you add will also act as documentation for any developer who may touch that area of code in the future of the potential problems that can be introduced.

Write Debuggable Code

The majority of us tend to worry about optimisation far too early in the life of a code base, this early over optimisation can often come at the expense if readability and simplicity.

While there are always caveats to any sweeping statement in the majority of cases a lack of maintainability is likely to hurt your team much sooner than a lack of performance. Indeed one is likely to have a linkage to the other as successive developers make sub-optimal changes to a code base they don't understand.

Debuggable code exhibits a clear statement of intent along with a clear approach.

Overreaching for conciseness or performance can act to hide intricacies that will hamper efforts to debug and patch.

Comments are no savour for this situation, while they have a place they have no direct link to the code they are associated with and can easily cause more confusion than insight.

If you are unfortunate enough to have to apply a fix to code like this then consider refactoring to increase maintainability for the next developer to come along. Code that has previously had defects, especially ones that have been difficult to solve, is probably more likely to have them again and each subsequent patch is only likely to make the situation worse.

Being an effective debugger is one of the skills that comes with experience, the scars that can come from a debugging battle are a rite of passage for a developer. Whilst it can portray elements of an art over a science an acceptance of it being part of the development cycle and approaching it in an analytical manner can provide an effective framework for gaining that experience.   

Monday, 12 February 2018

Ideological Differences

Software development on the surface can sometimes appear to be a cold and methodical discipline. The scientific and engineering aspects it employs can make it appear that there are universal truths and problems with only one solution.

The number of times these things do exist are actually rare, problems generally have many solutions and most perceived truths have caveats.

What enables those of us that work in the industry to make sense of this and find a way forward is having an ideology, this helps us form opinions on what is right and wrong and provide our guidance on how to approach solving problems.

But sometimes ideologies can clash, its therefore important to understand why they exist and how they influence ours and others view of the working world.

Born From Available Skill Sets

The development of most pieces of software can be achieved using different technologies. Mobile has Native, Xamarin or Hybrid web technologies as an example and there are a plethora of technologies available for developing web based software.

With many of these approaches disciples will preach the benefits of one over the other, but its important to realise that its unusual to find people that have equal ability and experience in all available technologies.

This isn't to say that this discounts their opinions, there are advantages and disadvantages to all technologies but it is likely that people are seduced by a technology that means they can apply their existing skillset in new ways.

There is nothing wrong with this, being productive is obviously important for any developer. Instead embrace this in built bias and choose the technology that is right for you not that is right for other people.

Born From Metrics

Many different forms of tooling exists for measuring and analysing source, these tools can produce metrics to cover all sorts of aspects of the code we write.

Sometimes these metrics can be in conflict such that it isn't possible to optimise every measure, placing an emphasis on one will lead to degradation in another. The metrics we decide to measure ourselves by and use to define if our code is healthy is therefore driven by the qualities of code we feel are important.

This will lead to us developing an ideology that promotes the improvement of these metrics at the expense of others, if these are the metrics that you value then this maybe perceived to be producing bad code.

With a discipline as complicated as software development these conflicting views on good and bad are inevitable.

When analysing code its important to understand where the people who wrote it were coming from, armed with this knowledge you can properly asses if you have something to learn from their efforts to improve your own outlook.

To do this you must have an appreciation for all metrics and associated ideologies even if you may choose not to emphasise them. This will enable you to extract the core intent of code and give you the ability to continue to learn from others code whilst still potentially adapting it to match your chosen ideology.

Born Outside of Technology

Software development doesn't exist in a vacuum and neither do the people that create it. Many influences outside of purely technological concerns can shape peoples view on the world and therefore how they choose to write software.

This isn't a place for me to be judgmental about what these influences and views might be but realising that engineers are humans as complicated as the software they produce enables you to apply a filter to the ideology thats presented.

If you don't understand or agree with the arguments being made on technical grounds then maybe its because they are born from other influences.

This will be a common occurrence when operating in the world of open source software where the individuals involved may well feel strongly about the use of the software they are producing and the ideology it represents. 

As with the other sources of ideology that have been presented here the importance is in recognising they exist and using this knowledge to navigate through the potentially overwhelming volume of opinion and views they you will encounter.

Make sure that you don't dismiss potentially valuable insight and learning because you don't agree with the arguments or views in there entirety.

Also recognise that whether you like it or not you are also developing an ideology, this will be shaped by your skillset, experience and views on the world, both technical and non-technical.

Embrace this to ensure that you are able to express it to others and also recognise where it clashes with others to ensure you can get past this and not lose out on potential improvements you can make that you can agree on.

While it would be great to be in a world where all disputes and arguments are won or lost based purely on technical merit engineers are people to and they can't help but have biases and views that will influence their approach.