Monday, 26 March 2018

What Does Your Backlog Say About You?

If you review a backlog it will intentionally or not reveal a lot about a team, its priorities, its values and the future its heading towards.

An even more fascinating aspect to this window into a teams inner workings is that if you were to tell the team what you think it says about them they would more than likely disagree.

This ability to analyse teams isn't some sort of mystical unexplainable art, its the drawing of logical conclusions based on the work the team chooses to prioritise as well as the apparent goals and motivations behind having this work on the backlog in the first place.

What You Don't Value

If you asked a team do you place value on stability, security and sustainability you would very much expect to see a room full of nodding faces.

However the make-up of stories pulled into sprints can very often tell a different story.

Teams will often have a strategy around how to deal with tech debt or security issues and the need to balance this with continued feature development. When a team has these issues under control they are able to maintain this forward momentum in a sustainable way while users continue to make the most of whats on offer.

Teams whose backlogs demonstrate significant technical debt who then continue to prioritise new features are sending a message which while inconvenient is none the less true.

It sends a message that the team intends to move forward regardless of whether or not they are taking their users with them and regardless of whether or not the direction they are heading in is built on sustainable foundations.

It places little importance on issues currently being faced by users, while users are facing issues with functionality already deployed this should the be number priority of any team. Promising users jam tomorrow is very rarely an effective strategy.

Something Like

A backlog should not simply be a place to register ideas or represent a to-do list.

A backlog should be a list of well defined work items that have definite value either to your users or to you as a business. All of these work items should be ready to go should the team be in a position to start work, it shouldn't be necessary to filter the backlog to find these work ready items or spend a time demystifying what is required.

Obviously coming up with this list of work items is an iterative process, it isn't possible to instantly define and document requirements or the technical implementation that will fulfil them. But this process should take place outside of the backlog and must be disciplined enough to only migrate items to the backlog once they have progressed to the ready state.

A backlog full of half thoughts or reminders about functionality that may or may not be useful will struggle to keep your development team productive and also fails to demonstrate a clear strategy for the product being developed.

Requirements can change and items on a backlog aren't fixed in stone but this doesn't mean they can't always be descriptive of whats required at a moment in time and be ready for implementation.

Spaghetti Stories

User stories should ideally be independent of each other, this should enable a backlog to be fluid and allowing teams to quickly re-order work items depending upon prevailing priorities.

It maybe that stories are inter-related in terms of delivering an end-to-end feature to a user but the ability of the team to work on them shouldn't necessarily follow the same inter-connection.

This is not always easy to achieve and can have as much to do with the architecture of the code base being worked on as the teams ability to craft stories.

But disorganised teams or teams that lack a clear direction are likely to construct a backlog that becomes rigid, this can be seen in sprint planning activity when the team struggles to put together an effective sprint because of blockages on certain stories causing a ripple effect through the backlog limiting the amount of work that is ready to pull in.

This can also make it difficult to identify the next shippable version of the software, this isn't always necessarily when the next feature is ready but the point at which a group of changes can be made to the code that move it forward whilst allowing it to be stabilised.

A key skill for any agile team is the ability to map a path from story to story delivering software with value to users and the business along the way.

The backlog and the sprints it drives are the heartbeat of an effective team, it is more than just a collection of work items it should be a manifestation of the strategy the team is following and the direction it is heading in.

As much as it can reflect the success of a team it can also be indicative of its failings. Because of this teams should take the time to asses the health of its backlog and attempt to draw conclusions on what could be improved or to emphasise what is working well.

Treat your backlog as n indication of the agile health of your team, treat it with the respect that you afford your codebase and keep a keen eye out for signs that the quality of its stories are on the decline.

Monday, 5 March 2018

Agile Deployment

Deployment is the end goal of any software development activity. Whether it be to the desktop, a server or app stores, why write software if the ultimate aim isn't to deploy it so it can be consumed and used.

Methods and strategies for deployment are widely debated and although the technologies used are important the overriding factor governing success is the mindset that's adopted towards shipping the code.

If asked what deployment should be like in an agile environment many teams would use variations on the concept of continuous integration. But this concept can sometimes be quite intangible how do you actually know if your achieving continuous deployment?

Continuous is Different from Regular

An unfortunate consequence of us using the word continuous to describe an ideal deployment strategy is that it implies a regular cadence is the only thing we should be judged by.

A more descriptive phrase of what we should be aiming for would be unrestricted deployment.

While a regular cadence of deployment brings with it many benefits, no matter what the frequency maybe if any of your processes enforce that deployments can only be made at that cadence then this will still cause you and your team problems.

An effective deployment strategy enables you to release whenever you want or need to. It means the only factor in deciding whether or not to deploy is whether or not the code is ready.

An ultimately effective strategy stops this even being a decision that needs to be consciously made, your systems and processes deploy code whenever it reaches the state of being done.

Deploy Code Not Features

Not every change to a code base results in something that is visible to the user. The introduction of new features can take time to come to fruition and require many changes to the code base.

If we view value as only coming from completed features this can easily lead to big bang deployments that drop a large amount of change into production.

If we can derive value from the stepping stones in getting to a complete feature then we can break this single potentially disruptive deployment into many smaller safer changes.

These small deployments will, via a cumulative effect, still get us to the desired outcome but because the surface area of change was always kept to small increment our risk of breaking something will be greatly reduced.

The user may not see any visible difference until the final deployment that fully enables the feature but they also haven't seen errors or been frustrated by a large deployment that changed many things.

This approach of deploying code when its ready will also encourage us to architect our code to be formed of distinct, separate and well defined blocks, this has many benefits for our overall code quality as well as making our deployments less stressful.

Not Wrong for Long

Many aspects of software development can be an inexact science. This is not just down to the complexity of building software but also the unpredictable nature of trying to predict how users will interact with it.

The concept of failing fast in an agile environment acknowledges this and attempts to make it ok to try things even if they will sometimes fail to have the impact you'd hoped for because we learn by the experience.

It is also, no matter the level of testing employed, virtually impossible to deliver bug free software. While we may hope to reduce these inevitable defects to the smallest and least impacting sometimes one will slip through the net.

Both these aspects means rolling back or fixing production will always be something that a team has to face. If the team doesn't have faith or confidence in its deployment process, or has to wait to deploy in the next available slot, then stress levels will rise.

This can easily lead to a reluctance to try things or conduct worthwhile experiments around what users want or need.

All of the points that have been made here link back to the fact that deployment should be easy, repeatable and in no way onerous or stressful.

The long slow build up of stress towards release day should be put to bed in favour of an automated and flexible approach that puts code into production whenever it serves the purpose it was originally intended for and meets our definition of done.

Code it, ship it and move on.