Sunday, 16 June 2019

UI Do Declare

The applicability of software development as an engineering discipline is often debated. Certain areas of coding do exhibit the necessary scientific and structured approach but other areas veer more towards an art form.

User Interface (UI) development definitely falls into the second camp. Not just because it is concerned with the production of attractive and pleasing UI for users to interact with, but as any developer will tell you, UI development often consists of more of a hit and miss or trial and error approach then other more precise areas of coding.

But is this inherent to UI development or have we simply not found the correct tools to be to move this area of coding closer to being true engineering? The attempt to try and find an answer to that question is behind recent trends to try and move to a more declarative approach to UI coding, in this post we will look at what under pins this approach and it's possible advantages.

Declarative vs Imperative

Most software platforms have traditionally chosen an imperative programming model to implement UI. This often involves each screen or page that the user sees being defined some using kind of layout construct formed of a mark-up language.

This means the programmer, before the code executes, fully defines the UI that should be rendered including styling and positioning etc, this is then mutated at run time to include the necessary data and except input from the user.

A declarative approach attempts to defer many of these decisions to runtime rather than having all aspects of the UI being defined ahead of time. Although not exclusively part of the declarative approach, moving to more of a runtime model means that UI can be defined using the same coding primitives and technologies. Rather than having a mark-up language specifically for UI it is defined in the same language as the rest of the application.

Separation of Concerns

Many aspects of good software engineering practices are related to the separation of concerns, as relayed by the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), a piece of code should do one thing and do it well.

What underlies the adoption of a declarative approach for UI is the desire to separate the two concerns of UI presentation. That is, one area of code should be in charge of what needs to be rendered i.e. we need to except text from the user here and a click here, whilst a separate area of code decides on visual style, positioning and layout.

This allows business logic and data context to influence the structure of the UI without it having to become melded with code concerned with colours, fonts or padding. It also allows a different visual presentation to be applied to similar UI constructs whilst reducing duplication.

Once again isolating and separating different areas of code which are concerned with different aspects of its execution has lead to ongoing benefits when it comes to dealing with future change.

Just Another Area of Code

As already stated, defining UI in code is not an intrinsic requirement of a declarative approach but it does open up the possibility.  Aside from the architectural benefits we've already stated this means the code generating the UI can be crafted using the same tools as the logic that drives it.

This opens up the possibility to write effective unit tests that verify the construction of an applications UI in a way that just isn't possible when defining UI using mark-up, the simple nature of these tests also allows them to part of a shift left strategy ensuring potential visual bugs are blocked before they become a problem.

Even when bugs do make it into an application, having the ability to debug code concerned with UI construction using breakpoints or any other standard mechanism is enormously valuable and will reduce the amount of time needed to find and fix defects.

Software engineering has always been a mixture of different paradigms and approaches, some come and go and are at different times fashionable. A declarative approach to UI won't fit all situations and applications but its potential benefits are undeniable. For this reason it should form part of the tool box of any engineer. Gain an understanding of its principles and practices, experiment with its implementation and recognise opportunities for it to be used in your application.                        

Sunday, 9 June 2019

RESTful Maturity

Whenever we need to allow different deployments of software to talk to each other the glue that we fall back on is APIs. Many options exist for their form and structure but REST is now so prevalent that it is the only approach many software engineers know or have been exposed to.

The flexibility offered by a RESTful approach means that whether or not an API is RESTful is more of a spectrum than a binary option. To deal with this Leonard Richardson developed the Richardson Maturity Model, this model attempts to categories APIs based on four levels of maturity.

These levels range from an API being RESTful in name only to the full realisation of what a RESTful approach can offer. If you are a developer or a consumer of REST APIs where do you think you sit on the scale?

Level 0

APIs at this level are categorised by using a single URI and a single HTTP Verb (usually POST). These APIs are simply using HTTP as a transport mechanism for interacting with code remotely.

This level is sometimes referred to as The Swamp of POX (Plain Old XML) since SOAP based Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) using XML occupy Level 0.

There is a lack of structure at this level with APIs simply being a collection of operations.

Level 1

The first step along the road to becoming RESTful is to introduce the concept of Resources to model the business domain. This has the effect of splitting functionality across multiple URIs although generally still using a single HTTP Verb (again usually POST).

If we imagine a system of APIs for interacting with a library a Level 0 API would use the same URI for interacting with authors or books, a Level 1 API would have a URI for interacting with authors and a separate URI for interacting with books.

In this way authors and books become resources in the system, when you receive data about an author you can also retrieve that authors books.

Level 2

Now that we have the concept of Resources Level 2 APIs introduce the concept that they can be manipulated. They do this by using HTTP Verbs to from a CRUD interface for interaction:

Create: POST, Retrieve: GET, Update: PUT, Delete: DELETE

Generally these APIs will also start to make use of HTTP Response codes to provide feedback on the manipulation:

201: Created, 404: Not Found 202: Accepted

At this level interactions with the API become expressive, simply by looking at a clients interaction with the API, even if you weren't previously aware of its structure, inferences about the nature of the interaction can start to be made.

Level 3

Level 3 is often categorised by the term Hypertext As The Engine Of Application State (HATEOAS). Up until this point in order to make full use of the API you had to be aware of all the available APIs and the operations that can be performed.

Level 3 APIs speed up this discovery process by allowing resources to describe the operations that can be performed on them by providing information on the APIs that should be invoked.

To return to library example when a book is queried the data returned would also express that a book can be checked out along with the API that should be called to do so, it would also refer to the API to retrieve more books by that author or possible even more books on that subject.

Developing REST APIs is a journey, as a domain and its resources grow and develop the APIs used to interact with them will move along this maturity model. It is by no means the case that because an API isn't at Level 3 that it is somehow bad, it simply means that its use up until now hasn't matured to a point where the opportunity to move up the levels has presented itself.

The main lesson to draw from this model is that for an API to evolve it needs to become descriptive and expressive. As APIs mature consumers can start making assumptions about how to perform operations because the expressiveness of the APIs allows them to learn more about the resources and operations that make up the domain being modelled.

This helps increase adoption and allows consumers to quickly develop more innovative ways to utilise them. There are various guides and pointers that can be used to ensure APIs are RESTful, these guides will help you move up the maturity model towards the nirvana of Level 3. Don't beat yourself up if you aren't there yet, instead relish the journey and understand the nature of the destination.