Whether or not a software application will be exposed to security threats is mostly a case of when rather than if. We can often be tempted to think that we need to be more concerned by the attention of a sophisticated attacker with a large arsenal of weapons. However it's unfortunately the case that most threats are a result us failing to learn from previous mistakes.
The OWASP top ten, largely seen as the industry standard guide to prevalent security threats, has consistently been dominated by well known attacks. These vulnerabilities have been with us for a long time and have well known mitigations, yet they continue to be seen in countless applications.
In this article I won't go through all of the OWASP top ten, instead I will highlight some of the categories that the threats fall under and the mitigations that should always be at the forefront of your mind.
Don't Trust The Outside World
Still by far the most commonly observed vulnerabilities relate to applications putting too much trust into input received from the outside world. These injection attacks fall broadly into three categories, SQL Injection, Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and Cross Site Request Forgery (XSRF).
SQL Injection can come in many forms but occurs whenever user input is directly included in SQL statements without being sanitised. This either causes more data to be exposed to the caller than they are entitled to view or allows them to run potentially destructive commands against the database.
XSS occurs when an attacker is able to inject client script into web pages being viewed by other users. XSS scripting attacks are often categorised as Non-Persistent (reflected) and Persistent. An example of a reflected attack might be when an attacker is able to manipulate the query string submitted to a page that is then in some form included in the page contents causing the script to execute within the victims browser. An example of a persistent attack might be if an attacker is able to include client side script into data that is stored by the server and subsequently rendered in multiple victims browsers, this could be via a message forum or some kind of profile page that is viewable my multiple users.
XSRF occurs when an attacker is able to get a victim to submit client side script to a page that trusts the user. This will generally involve trying to get a user to click a link or otherwise submit data to a site they are currently logged into. An example might be sending a user a link to a site that includes potentially damaging query string parameters if the user has administrator privileges.
The protection against all these attacks is to distrust all input from outside your application. Never assume that a user will only ever submit data in the intended format, sanitise all inputs and block where necessary where script or potentially executable code is detected.
Not Implemented Here
Many well defined and proven techniques for securing applications exist, these range from encryption and authentication to data integrity checks. Often these techniques rely on necessarily complex logic and mathematics.
Although sometimes flaws in this logic can be found it is far more common for attacks to exploit mistakes in their implementation rather than weaknesses in the core algorithm. Many of these techniques can be interesting to implement, and many engineering teams will frequently have a "not implemented here" attitude only wanting to rely on code written internally.
Security is not an area of coding to have this attitude towards, unless you are an expert in the field it will be very likely that you will make a mistake in its implementation. These mistakes may not be immediately visible and may not relate to the core application of the technique but none the less they may give an attacker the crack in the door that they are looking for.
Trust in the implementations written by experts, even they will have to release patches when small mistakes are uncovered but their expertise and ability to verify their work will put you in a much better position than if you try and go it alone.
Undefined Behaviour
Many categories of attacks revolve around getting applications to behave in an unexpected way. These range from buffer overflow and arbitrary code execution to memory corruption and insecure deserialisation.
Quite often these attacks exploit the very low level details of code execution, also thankfully many built in defences such as stack canaries and Address Space Layout Randomisation (ASLR) exist to try and protect you against them being exploited against your application.
Despite this you still need to be alert to when your application is exhibiting unintended behaviour. This is true even if the observed behaviour is not considered a bug. It may be that the apparent side effects are benign but it's important you always understand why your application behaves the way it does.
Attackers will very often begin probing your system by doing unusual or unexpected things to view your systems response. They will look for ways to exploit the behaviour they observe and possibly chain together multiple instances of unexpected behaviour to get the result they want.
Always take the view that if something isn't supposed to happen then the system should be configured to not allow it to happen regardless of whether or not the consequences of it happening seem dangerous. In a similar manner to injection attacks show a healthy distrust for the world outside your application and its adherence to how your application is supposed to be used.
We sometimes assume that all potential attackers are extremely sophisticated. Although such attackers exist there are many that continue to exploit relatively simple and well known attack vectors. Because these attacks are well known and have existed for some time they also have well proven mitigations. Try to ensure that your application doesn't fall prey to these defensible attacks and always be mindful of the OWASP Top Ten.