Sunday, 24 March 2024

Having a Distrustful Mindset


I've talked previously about the concept of zero trust as it relates to security. When trying to apply an over arching philosophy like this it can feel quite daunting as to where to start.

Rather than having to create a comprehensive design in how to re-engineer your existing applications and network it can help to start with a shift in mindset in how you view the security properties of your system.

Security is an ever evolving discipline with many different facets so I wouldn't want to give the impression that the items I mention below are the only things you need to think about, but I think they do help foster the kind view that you need to have a healthy distrust of the world around you.


Authentication is the process of identifying the actors within a system. Traditionally this means authenticating users via them supplying a username/password or other such shared secret.

But this can also be extended to cover many other links in the chain.

This might include identifying the client or application the user is using to make the requests, the network the requests are coming from or even the physical device that is being used to communicate.

It's possible for all of these aspects of the flow of data to be used to indicate that something malicious maybe happening, and therefore properly identifying all these elements will enable you to asses if you can trust them.

Properly identifying all elements also enables comprehensive logging of any actions performed.


Once you've identified these elements you can move onto to authorisation. This is the process of deciding if the requested operation should be allowed. Normally this would mean is this user allowed to view this data or perform this action.

But again the concept can be extended to cover more aspects of the system. Should this client or application be allowed to perform this action? Should these kinds of requests be allowed from this area of the network? Should this physical device be used to perform this action?

Going beyond authorising just the user again increases your ability to both detect malicious actions and prevent them.

Authorisation can also be linked to the method being used for authentication. Some actions a user may want to perform might be linked to needing a higher level of authentication. As an example some admin actions might require multi-factor authentication onto top of a username and password.


Pretty much all applications involve the movement and manipulation of data, and a large number of threats will relate to trying to expose that data to parties that shouldn't be able to view it.

One defence against this is to make sure that at the points where the data doesn't need to be viewed or worked with it is encrypted.

This will broadly come down to encrypting the data at rest and in transit. When the data is being stored and when it is being moved it should always be encrypted, the only time it should be in plain text is when it is being shown to the user. A user that has been properly authentication and authorised to view that data, via that application, from that network using that device.

This mindset should also be applied to other aspects of data sensitivity, identifying which data items are sensitive and how they are being transported. An example of this would be considering what data items are being included in the query string of requests, because this might be logged in various places data within it should be assessed for sensitivity.

Authentication, authorisation and encryption aren't the only security related factors you need to be thinking about. But embracing them and thinking about them in a greater depth will help you dive deeper into the security of your software and system and be aware of a greater breadth of possible threats. 

Saturday, 16 March 2024

Hacking Humanity


The modern technological world is a dangerous place, many evil actors are lurking around every dark corner with designs on your data, or simply wishing to impact your business just to show they can.

Many of these potential hackers will look to exploit flaws in your software, we should all be aware of the OWASP top ten and how code can be made to do things it wasn't intended to do. 

However there is a class of attacks that have nothing to do with exploiting flaws in software and instead are about taken advantage of flaws in human nature. Social Engineering is the process of using human psychology in order to manipulate someone into undermining the security of a system and play an unwitting role in an attack.

The nature of these types of attacks are very different to technological based attacks and so therefore are the possible defences against them.

Cognitive Bias

All Social Engineering attacks exploit some aspect of cognitive bias, this is the human tendency to make incorrect decisions based on flaws on how we interpret information being presented to us.

The exploitation of these biases can take many forms but most are trying to persuade us to take an action that will ultimately lead to harm. The below is not an exhaustive list but demonstrate some of the techniques and why they work.

The Halo Effect attempts to get you to concentrate on a particular aspect of a communication whilst ignoring information that should lead you to question what is on offer. An example would be receiving a notification that you've won a prize, the positivity of that news is designed to distract you from thinking about the fact that you never entered any kind of competition or how your contact details were obtained.

Recency bias exploits the tendency to place more importance on recent events over historical ones. Attacks of this nature are timed to appear to align with recent experiences, many examples of this would have been seen during the COVID pandemic.

Authority bias takes advantage of our unwillingness to challenge someone or something that has perceived authority over us. Examples of this would be emails that claim to come from a senior work colleague or a government department.

There are many more examples of cognitive bias all of which use some aspect of human psychology to get us to ignore information that should make us suspicious in favour of information that makes us feel we should act.

Vectors of Attack

Social Engineering can be exploited in many different forms of social interaction and communication. Again the below is not an exhaustive list but acts as examples of the vectors these attacks may use.

By far the biggest vector is phishing and its variations. Whether it be an email, instance message, SMS or phone call all phishing attacks are designed to get the victim to expose information or take an action because they are duped into thinking the instruction is coming from someone it isn't.

This might be someone exposing their credit card information because they think they are communicating with their bank or someone clicking on a link that installs malware because they think it relates to a planned delivery.

Spear phishing attempts to make these attacks even more convincing by crafting the attack to be specific to an individual rather than generic in nature. 

A similar vector is that of impersonation, access may be granted to a building to an individual because they are dressed in an official looking manner or because they meet a stereotype of how we expect certain individuals to present themselves.

Tail gating is another example of a physical social engineering attack where an attacker will follow someone into a secure building looking to exploit a human tendency to avoid conflict or to openly question an individuals actions.

Possible Defences

The first and most affective defence against social engineering is education. Teaching people that these techniques exist and the impact they can have will hopefully foster a natural suspicion of unsolicited communication before taking action.

Combined with this education many organisations undertake regular testing of employees. This will often take the form of them being exposed to emails or other communication that exploits the same aspects of cognitive biases to get them to take a certain action. This represents a safe way for people to realise they have been exploited and learn for next time when the attack may be real.

Some defences are technical in nature, for example employing principles of least privilege and zero trust can help to ensure that the blast radius of any attack is kept to a minimum. An example would be ensuring employees have the minimum level of system access needed to fulfil their roles, meaning if their account is compromised the attack gains limited access and influence.

Social Engineering is at least as bigger cyber threat as attacks that exploit technical flaws. The aims are usually the same, information exposure and taking control over a system. Where code can be scanned and tested on a continual and automated bases to find and rectify technical flaws, it is often a harder problem to solve to make individuals aware of their cognitive biases and how they can be exploited.

But knowing they exist is a pretty good step in the right direction.