Monday 7 August 2017

Assurance of Quality

Its a truth many software engineers have a difficult time accepting, but all software no matter who produces it, usually has bugs, defects or doesn't quite meet requirements.

Once that fact of development has been acknowledged then the need to have some level of quality assurance is undeniable.

The traditional model encourages a left to right approach where coding is completed, code is tested, code is shipped.

This "throw it over the fence" mentality is inefficient and thankfully we have developed modern techniques to ensure quality isn't an after thought.

Shift Left and Automate

The ideal situation to be in is that defects never make it into a code base, they are if you pardon the pun stopped at source.

Realistically this will never be the case, but if we can move much of our quality assurance nearer to the point that the code is written we will realise huge efficiencies in producing effective working code.

This can be achieved in two ways, by introducing more automation and by having a slick and quick deployment pipeline.

Unit testing, functional testing, integration testing, we have many techniques at our disposal to very quickly verify if changes to our code base have had a negative impact in its effectiveness to perform its intended task.

By ensuring our code can be quickly deployed to the environment it is designed to operate in we can create short feedback loops to identify and address any regressions.

Whether this be by quickly making new versions of code available to a test team or by employing UI automation to validate the continued operation of our key journeys, the quicker issues can be identified the quicker they can be fixed.

Break Things

The advantage of automating and streamlining the testing of the routine is that it releases the valuable resource of test teams to focus on more abstract testing of our system.

The main purpose of this testing should be to break and destroy.

By taking the use of our system to extremes we can uncover inefficiencies or flaws in logic that otherwise would be difficult to find.

A common problem when testing software is the relatively limited spectrum of use we are exposing it to. Often a defect that we may think of as relatively obscure may actually be produced hundreds or thousands of times once its out in the field being used by a large user base.

By actively trying to break things we focusing our attention on the problems and issues that are most likely to affect people.

This destructive approach may take may forms but the important thing is not to concentrate on validation of correct operation but instead employ a machiavellian approach to try and cause chaos.

Test in the Field

Even when we implement all the methods and techniques available to us to enforce quality some problems are still going to make it through the net into production.

Because of this unescapable fact it is important we have an effective strategy to properly instrument our application to report back valuable diagnostic information, both when things are working and when there not.

Whilst it is not a sin to ship a defect, it is at least negligent to not have the ability to detect the effect on users.

Our software should be like a machine we are constantly monitoring and inspecting, whether it be out and out bugs or simply measuring a decline in performance it is vital to pay attention to what is going on out there in the field.

As well as creating a feedback loop to improve your system, analysing how people are using your software will also provide great insight into the direction it should be going in.

As we progress as an industry its important we develop and improve all aspects of software development and that includes how we test and validate the code we produce.

Innovation in this area will bring great rewards and help you stand out from the crowd.

Accept that defects and bugs are a fact of life and develop a strategy to seek and destroy as many as possible, also realise that its everyones responsibility to play a part in achieving this as we all bring different skills to the table.

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