Sunday 9 August 2020

API Toolbox


The increasing application of the Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery model means that APIs are the regular means by which we interact with the services that help us write software. Even if APIs aren't the primary mechanism by which we consume the service it is increasingly common place, and potentially even expected, that an API surface will be available to analyse metrics and data related to consumption.

API is a broad term with many different approaches to implementation available to us. Sometimes changes in technology are related to trends or views on implementation correctness, such as migration from SOAP to REST being driven by the desire for a more lightweight representation of data.

However sometimes technology choice is driven by the nature of the API being implemented, the data it is expected to convey and the make-up of the likely consumers. Presented below are some of the technologies available along with the circumstances that might drive you to choose them to implement your API.


REST is still by far the most common approach to implementing an API. Characterised by its use of HTTP verbs and status codes to provide a stateless interface along with the use of JSON to represent data in a human readable format, it still represents a good technology choice for the majority of APIs.

Difficulties in consuming REST are often first and foremost caused by an unintuitive surface making APIs difficult to discover or by an incoherent data model making the data returned from the API hard to work with and derive value from.

In recent years other technologies have gained transaction as alternatives to REST. I believe these do not represent alternative implementations in all circumstances, instead they look to improve upon REST in certain situations.


The majority of APIs relate to the exposure of data from underlying data sources. The richer the data sources the more there becomes a risk that a users will become flooded by data.

REST APIs are built around the concept of a resource, you make a request to return a particular resource and the entire resource is returned to you. With a large data model this can increase noise in the data when an entire resource is returned when only a small sub-set of data was required. This not only means bandwidth is wasted by returning unnecessary data items but performance may be further impacted by potentially making unnecessary additional calls to downstream systems.

A complex data model can also make it harder to intuitively discover what data items are available.

To address some of these issues Facebook developed GraphQL providing a language for querying data from an API. Having a query language means only the data items that are required can be requested, reducing the amount of data returned along with potentially reducing the work the API must do to acquire the entire resource. A query based approach also provides an element of discoverability and schema identification.

To a certain extent it is possible to achieve a queryable interface using REST, by use of path parameters and the query string, but GraphQL increases the flexibility that can be provided.


Because REST will in most circumstances represent data using JSON under certain circumstances it can consume larger amounts of bandwidth than is strictly necessary. In the majority of cases the impact of this will be minimal but for certain consumers, most notably IoT devices, this can have a significant impact.

To address this technologies such as gRPC represent data in a binary format, this means only the minimum amount of bandwidth is consumed. gRPC also moves away from API endpoints in favour of remote method calls on both server and client.

Both these aspects make it ideal for scenarios where data must be transferred using minimal resources, both in terms of bandwidth but also in terms of power consumption of transceivers etc.

Personally I believe REST is never going to be a bad choice for implementing an API but under circumstances it may not be optimal. Shown here are a couple scenarios where this may be the case.

Recognising when these situations arise will enable you to consider possible alternatives. Using them when they aren't necessary is likely to make your API harder to understand and consume, but using them in the scenarios they are designed to address will optimise your API implementation and open it up to a larger and more diverse set of consumers.

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