Sunday, 18 September 2016

Extend Don't Modify

One of the five pillars of SOLID software engineering is the open/closed principle:

    A software entity should be open for extension but closed for modification. 
With the advent of distributed source control systems, such as Git, many claim that the open/closed principle (OCP) has lost its relevance. We don't need to fear modification since we can accurately track change, roll it back if required and visualise the history of a piece of code.

I argue that this is looking at OCP in a limited sense, software has an inherent ability to be fragile and therefore any architecture or implementation that promotes modification is on a path to increase this fragility and ultimately lead to defects and instability.

Concentration of Knowledge

Regardless of whether or not we can track modification we should still ask ourselves why we are required to modify and not extend a class, often this is because we have created a concentration of knowledge and therefore a concentration of change.

If we have a class responsible for drawing shapes we will be forced to change this class every time the number of types of shape in our universe expands, if we instead delegate responsibility for graphics to each individual shape then we can naturally extend this universe just by adding new shape classes.

The above example is generated by the fact that knowledge of how to draw shapes was concentrated in one place when the number of shapes we have to work with was going to be on an upward trajectory.

Sometimes its a fine line between obeying OCP while also adhering to other SOLID principles such as Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), however both principles are trying to limit the need for change, if we concentrate knowledge in a particular class we need to keep in mind how much that knowledge may need to expand.

Too Many Cooks

Another important aspect of OCP is a much more practical one.

Source control systems may be good at tracking change but they cannot smooth the problems we encounter when many engineers have rolled up their sleeves to go under the hood of a piece of code.

Creating a code base where many developers may be working in the same area will have an impact on velocity both in terms of developers struggling to get their code merged in, struggling to understand an area of code under modification and with the defects that will arise as a result.

Sometime we concentrate solely on the properties of code that can be slightly abstract in nature but the ease at which a code base can be worked on by a team is something that should not be forgotten or ignored.

OCP helps create a code base where many developers can work together in harmony without tripping over each other and without creating confusion.

This Used to Work

Software has the potential to be inherently fragile, it is written by developers who are only human and will make mistakes.

We put certain automation in place to try and catch these errors but they still on occasion make it through.

Promoting change in already working software should be left for refactoring activities to improve the overall quality of the code, it shouldn't be a daily occurrence because the software has been built in such way that it must be deconstructed before being re-built with new functionality on every iteration.

The ideal situation to be in is that whenever new functionality is added the risk of defects only exists within that new functionality. It shouldn't be the case that all bets are off on the working state of previous functionality because its implementation has been modified or changed to accommodate the additions.

The SOLID principles are not always universal truths, there are occasions where strict appliance would not improve a code base, but that needs to be viewed in the round sometimes the benefits they bring can be both broad and subtle.

Although the invention of many of those principles pre-dates the world in which we are developing software the truth within them still holds, how to engineer good software hasn't changed that much and its unlikely any of those five principles will ever be declared defunct.

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