Many different technologies have been devised to provide structure to the transfer of data from here to there and back again. These have ranged from the heavyweight to the lightweight.
REST, or Representational State Transfer to give it it's full name, is now the prevalent mechanism when dealing with an API to retrieve or send data, with these APIs being described as RESTful.
What does it mean for an API to be RESTful? Is it simply the sending and receiving of JSON via HTTP requests?
Although REST does have some requirements around the plumbing of how requests are made and received there are also philosophies that go deeper than this traffic management aspect.
All the information necessary to process a RESTful request should be contained in the request itself. This is to say that the server receiving the request should not need to use state about the current session in order to process the request.
This puts the power with the client to decide which APIs to call in whatever order, it ensures the API surface is unambiguous with no required knowledge of the order APIs should be called in or any possible side effects.
This statelessness should extend to authentication and authorisation which each request containing the necessary information for both those important factors to be fulfilled.
Its important to realise that this only applies to the state of the session and the processing of the requests, the state of the resources and data being accessed is of course subject to change between requests and will have the concept of state.
Uniform Interface
REST APIs deal in the currency of resources, a resource can be almost any data item, this could represent a customer, a shopping basket, a book or a social media post.
Resources should be uniquely identifiable and have a representation in the system that is descriptive and processable.
Operations on these resources should be via standard HTTP verbs that describe the operation that is taking place.
- GET: Read.
- POST: Create.
- PUT: Update\Replace.
- DELETE: Remove.
The HTTP response codes returned from using any of these requests should also be related to the state of the resource, for example:
- 404: Resource with that unique identifier cannot be found.
- 405: Not allowed, such as when a resource cannot be deleted or modified.
- 409: Conflict, when a resource with that unique identifier already exists.
- And so on...
The paths used when accessing these resources should also be self explanatory and naturally readable.
- GET /api/v1/customer/ - Return all customers.
- GET /api/v1/customer/866823e5 - Return a specific customer.
- GET /api/v1/customer/?lastname=smith - Return all customers with a last name of smith.
All of this structure allows an API to be self discoverable by a user familiar with the resources being represented.
The path can also be used to impose a versioning system, ensuring that when breaking changes must be made to the how the API behaves or the representation of the data being returned that this is non-impactful for existing consumers of the API.
Cacheable and Layered
Much of what we've discussed allows REST APIs to implement certain characteristics to increase performance such as caching.
GET requests within a REST API should be cacheable by default with standard HTTP mechanisms being used to control the life time of the cached data. This helps reduce latency whilst also reducing the strain being placed on the backend sources of the data.
Segregating an API based on resources allows for a certain hierarchy and layered architecture to be put in place.
This lends itself to the micro-services model allowing systems to be composed by narrowly focused components dealing with a particular element of the domain being modelled.
REST has come to dominate the API landscape because the application of a few simple rules greatly simplifies the process of implementing an API as well as reducing the barriers to entry for a consumer to get an up and running with the API.
On occasion it may be difficult to always adhere to the rules we've laid out and it may be the case that an API being RESTful is a metric rather than an absolute. But these situations should be rare and once you have acquired a RESTful eye you will soon become adept at modelling your world according to its guidelines.
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