An adage that could be applied to many software projects would be something along the lines of from small beginnings large inefficient teams grow.
In the early days of a project a well focused, dedicated and small team can appear to achieve miracles in terms of the scale of what can be built and the time it takes to build it. When faced with such tremendous success it is a common and natural reaction to assume that if we grow this well performing team then we will be able to achieve even more in even less time.
Unfortunately this thinking is flawed but despite this its a lesson the software industry has failed to learn almost since its inception.
Software as a Commodity
Much of this flawed thinking comes from viewing software as a commodity, more engineers means more software and more software means more functionality? The problem with this approach is it views software as a raw material with intrinsic value, this in turn equates software development with a production line.
Engineers aren't simply producing chunks of software to package and ship to production, they are in fact trying to work as a team to craft and refine a single piece of software.
To continue the production line analogy, software engineers aren't all building individual cars, they are a race team trying to perfect a single race car. When viewed like this it should be clear that more craftsmen won't help complete the job any quicker or to any greater degree of quality.
Software has no intrinsic value, we aren't employing engineers to produce more of it, we are employing them to produce just enough for us to extract value, and to try and increase the amount of value we can squeeze out of any giving quantity of code.
Scaling Capability Not Code
As an organisation engineering software its important to understand within the context of scaling what is it your are trying to scale?
If this is simply the amount of code you can produce then increasing the number of engineers in your organisation will achieve this, if however you want to scale your capability to deliver reliable and robust functionality then the solution maybe more subtle.
Software engineering resource is more akin to a sponge than a brick. It can be counter productive to try and line them all up to build a wall, instead you need to concentrate on squeezing more out of the resource you already have.
This doesn't mean working them harder, it means having faith in their abilities and asking them how they think they could be more efficient or more productive. At a certain point the answer will be that more engineers are required, reaching this point prematurely will ultimately have a much bigger negative impact.
Your engineers are experts in the development of software both in general and with regard to the software you currently have, they will also be experts on how your current processes can be improved and refined.
People Bring Overhead
Software engineers do not exist or work in isolation, software is developed by teams. As both the number of people in a team and the number of teams themselves grow this comes with an increase in certain overheads.
Effective communication between engineers will decline, more formal processes will grow and dynamism will take a back seat.
Of course this isn't inevitable, many organisations have large and successful teams. But effort is required to think about how to structure these teams to ensure that barriers don't grow between them.
Ineffective communication between teams is quite possibly the number one reason why large numbers of engineers can fail to be more than or even equal to the sum of their parts.
There are no hard and fast rules as to how to accomplish this but trying to resist the temptation to throw resource at a problem will at least to delay these headaches until the point where there is more certainty that a team needs to grow.
As with many things an important step when trying to scale software development is acceptance that you'll probably get it wrong. Recognising the signs that will highlight this will ensure that it isn't your wrongness that scales. The next step is in embracing the fact that imposing a scaling strategy is likely to be ineffective, instead, placing it in the hands of those that are being asked to scale has much more potential to produce the right answer.
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