If you observe a group of software engineers discussing an area of code for a long enough period you will hear the phrase "reuse". We rightly hold the benefits of code reuse in high esteem, it can reduce development time, provide increased levels of reliability and increase the adoption of desired practices.
But is this the whole story? Are there disadvantages to reuse? What different forms can reuse take?
This is potentially a large area of discussion with almost philosophical overtones but one potential approach is to analyse what is being reused and identify the pro's and con's of the approach.
Reuse of Effort
The simplest form of reuse that is often considered sinful is copy and paste, this is where code is simply duplicated, and potentially modified, but results in the same code existing in multiple places in a code base.
This allows the developer doing the copying to take advantage of the thought and effort expended by another to solve a shared problem. The downside comes from the duplication of code. Code is not an asset to an organisation because it needs to be managed and maintained, duplicating an area of code creates the potential to duplicate bugs and the effort of fixing them.
So code should never be copied?
Well the answer to that question is almost always going to be yes but as with many things it doesn't hurt to apply some pragmatism on occasions. Copying a small number of lines of code when the effort of defining an abstraction and creating a dependency for other areas of code may not always be the wrong thing to do.
The analysis of whether or not this is the wrong thing to do needs to take into the account the number of times the code has been copied. Copying it once when defining an abstraction might be problematic might be able to be justified, copying it any more times than that is indicating that the opportunity for reuse, and its associated benefits, is presenting itself.
Reuse of Code
When we've made the assessment that copying the code would be wrong then we look to reuse the code itself. This can take many forms whether it be creating a library or having shared source code.
This is where the benefits of reuse are realised. Reusing code decreases development time by providing ready made solutions to common problems, reusing the code in multiple places allows it to be battle hardened and honed overtime.
So code reuse is always a good thing?
Well the answer to this is usually going to be yes but it isn't always an absolute. Reusing code creates dependencies and this doesn't come without its own potential headaches. A large web of dependencies can stifle the ability for a code base to be refactored, maintained and grow. It is no surprise that many of the SOLID principles relate to reducing the scope of individual areas of code this will therefore reduce the scope of the dependency on it.
This shouldn't be taken as an argument against reuse but as a word of caution to think it through. Reuse code when the abstraction will hold and the opportunity for reuse is clear and unambiguous.
Reuse of Function
Ultimately we aren't actually trying to reuse code but functionality and we have developed ways to achieve this that can go beyond code reuse.
Software as a Service (SaaS) is common place among cloud providers but the same approach can be taken within your own code base. Divide and conquer has long been an effective strategy for engineering well defined code bases and techniques such as microservices have this at their heart.
A library doesn't have to be the only way to reuse functionality, using REST APIs can also allow functionality to be reused whilst also providing a really clear interface with the potential to evolve over time as requirements change.
This won't always be the correct approach and will come down to the scale of functionality that needs to be reused. Having a microservice to perform operations on strings would rightly be deemed ridiculous, but caching or complex data manipulation maybe more likely candidates.
Identifying and effectively implementing code reuse is a core aspect of software engineering. We have many tools available to us to achieve this and whilst it will nearly always be the right thing to do the potential pitfalls must also be considered and factored into the strategy.
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