Wednesday, 20 March 2019

Iterate to Accumulate

When assessing your agile maturity it can be easy to fall into the trap of only considering your adherence to the ceremonies and procedures of the particular flavour that you've decided to adopt. Whilst this is obviously important to ensure your working within a framework that provides structure to your teams work, it doesn't provide a measure of how much you've adopted agile values

Describing the values that define agile is a potentially lengthy discussion and I won't attempt to cover them all in a single post, however one value that I think is often overlooked is the need for an iterative approach to all aspects of the delivery lifecycle.

Again the importance of an iterative approach is not born from the process itself but from an understanding of why it represents a better way to solve problems than its waterfall counterpart.

Iterate Understanding

If we define an iteration to be a sequence of requirement gathering followed by execution that is repeated multiple time then we can see that each iteration represents an opportunity to increase our understanding of the problem, possible solutions and the merits of each.

Sometimes an iteration will not make it to end users, we will realise before this that something is wrong with our approach and decide to re-think, or it maybe that we need to go further in what we are trying to deliver. Sometimes it will reach users and based on their feedback or our use of analytics we will realise we can improve. It is also possible that the data derived from users using the software in the wild will indicate a diminished return in iterating further as what we've delivered is achieving its stated aim. 

In all these scenarios we have given ourselves the opportunity to benefit from feedback loops that give us the time and freedom to re-think while the iron is hot. A waterfall approach robs us of that opportunity by increasing the price we pay for mistakes in our understanding, the longer the time period between iterations the less likely you are to be able to quickly act on new information and the more reliant you are on having mastery over all the moves your users could make. If this kind of mastery was possible software development would be a very easy activity and a solved problem.

Iterate Solution

The importance of all the SOLID development principles comes from how they influence the approach to change in a code base. A natural driver to embrace these principles is likely to be fostered within a team that expects to iterate.

An iterative approach will fail if the execution phase always represents large refactoring or is weighed down by technical debt. A reluctance to end up in this situation along with a desire to enable the accumulation of understanding that we've previously discussed will create an opportunity for an architecture to organically grow in the right direction.

A need to ship frequently will also promote the adoption of other methodologies to promote delivery such as increased test automation and effective continuous delivery pipelines. 

Software development teams by their nature are resourceful people who have the skills to be able to shape their world in the way they want to work. Promoting the right values to these teams will nudge them towards developing software in a certain way, an emphasis on being able to effectively and efficiently implement multiple iterations of change will be the mother of invention to bring new ways to shorten the feedback loop.

Iterate Failure

A fundamental lesson in agile development is to learn that you will encounter failure, rather than exhaust energy in trying to avoid the inevitable, failure should be embraced as just another feedback loop.

Failure in this context is not bugs and defects, albeit they are equally a fact of life in software development, failure in this context is misjudging the needs of your users or the effectiveness of your solution in meeting those needs.

In this sense failure isn't something that can be, or indeed should be, hidden in the dark. It should happen in full view worts and all, this is only way that you will get real feedback on what users think of your software, how they use it and what its shortcomings might be. As much as we may think we can head-off this failure by talking to users or asking them what they want and need nothing speaks the truth like putting working software in the hands of large numbers of people to use in their everyday lives.

Techniques to limit the impact of this failure do exist, by using techniques like A/B testing or phased releases we can observe interaction with the software in a targeted way with an ever increasing audience size. 

Only the most trivial problems in software engineering have ever been solved in a one and done manner. Perfection in any feature is probably unobtainable but by paying attention to how your users are interacting with your deliveries you will both identify areas for improvement as well as the time when continued effort is unlikely to bring a proportional increase in user satisfaction.

Agile's promotion of tight and frequent feedback loops provided by continuous releases places this lesson at its heart.  

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