Friday 28 June 2024

Vulnerable From All Sides


Bugs in software engineering are a fact of life, no engineer no matter what he perceives his or her skill level to be has never written a non-trivial piece of software that didn't on some level have some bugs.

These maybe logical flaws, undesirable performance characteristics or unintended consequences when given bad input. As the security of software products has grown ever more important the presence of a particular kind of bug has become something we have to be very vigilant about. 

A vulnerability is a bug that has a detrimental impact on the security of software. Whereas any other bug might cause annoyance or frustration a vulnerability may have more meaningful consequences such as data loss, loss of system access or handing over control to untrusted third parties.

If bugs, and therefore vulnerabilities, are a fact of life then what can be done about them? Well as with anything being aware of them, and making others aware, is a step in the right direction.

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures 

Run by the Mitre Corporation with funding from the US Division of Homeland Security Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a glossary that catalogues software vulnerabilities and via the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) provides them with a score to indicate their seriousness.

 In order for a vulnerability to be added to the CVE it needs to meet the following criteria.

It must be independent of any other issues, meaning it must be possible to fix or patch the vulnerability without needing to fix issues elsewhere.

The software vendor must be aware of the issue and acknowledge that it represents a security risk. 

It must be a proven risk, when a vulnerability is submitted it must be alongside evidence of the nature of the exploit and the impact it has.

It must exist in a single code base, if multiple vendors are effected by the same or similar issues then each will receive its own CVE identifier.

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS)

Once a vulnerability is identified it is given a score via the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS). This score ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 representing the most severe.

CVSS itself is based on a reasonably complicated mathematical formula, I won't here present all the elements that go into this score but the factors outlined below give a flavour of the aspects of a vulnerability that are taken into account, they are sometime referred to as the base factors.

Firstly Access Vector, this relates to the access that an attacker needs to be able to exploit the vulnerability. Do they for example need physical access to a device, or can they exploit it remotely from inside or outside a network. Related to this is Access Complexity, does an attack need certain conditions to exist at the time of the attack or for the system to be in a certain configuration.

Authentication takes into account the level of authentication an attacker needs. This might range from none to admin level.

Confidentially assesses the impact in terms of data loss of an attacker exploiting the vulnerability. This could range from trivial data loss to the mass export of large amounts of data.

In a similar vein Integrity assesses an attackers ability to change or modify data held within the system, and Availability looks at the ability to effect the availability of the system to legitimate users.

Two other important factors are Exploitability and Remediation Level. The first relating to whether code is known to exist that enables the vulnerability to be exploited, and the latter referring to whether the software vendor has a fix or workaround to provide protection.

These and other factors are weighted within the calculation to provide the overall score.

Patching, Zero Days and Day Ones

The main defence against the exploitation of vulnerabilities is via installing patches to the affected software. Provided by the vendor these are software changes that address the underlying flaws causing the vulnerability in order to stop it being exploited.

This leads to important aspects about the lifetime of a vulnerability.

The life of the vulnerability starts when it is first inadvertently entered into the codebase. Eventually it is discovered by the vendor or a so called white hat hacker who notifies the vendor. The vendor will disclose the issue via CVE while alongside this working on a patch to address it.

This leads to a period of time where the vulnerability is known about, by the vendor, white hack hackers and possibly the more nefarious black hat hackers but where a patch isn't yet available. At this point vulnerabilities are referred to as zero days, they may or may not be being exploited and no patch exists to make the software safe again.

It may seem like once the patch is available the danger has passed. However once a patch is released the nature of the patch often provides evidence of the original vulnerability and provide ideas on how it is exploitable. At this point the vulnerability is referred to as a Day One, the circle of those who may have the ability to exploit it has increased, and vulnerable systems are not yet made safe until the patch has been installed.

CVE provides an invaluable resource in documenting vulnerabilities, forewarned is forearmed. Knowing a vulnerability exists means the defensive action can start, and making sure you stay up to date with all available patches means you are as protected as you can be.

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