A software development team is in a constant cycle of delivering features, they are often the currency on which they are judged, measuring the velocity at which they can be delivered into production.
But not all features are created equally, they don't all turn out to be successful so how can we tell a potentially effective feature from one that will turn out to be a waste of effort, or maybe even worse potentially degrading to the overall experience?
These are difficult questions and this post won't provide a full-proof way to deliver great new features, it does present some criteria on which you may want to judge a potential feature when it is first proposed to be the next big thing.
Two Faced
Any new feature must provide a benefit both to users and to the business, if either of these groups end up dissatisfied then the feature will ultimately die.
A feature that only benefits the user while potentially cool and fun for the user will struggle to justify the effort involved in delivering and maintaining it, there should always be a defined benefit for the business in delivering it.
This benefit can be indirect or subtle, not every feature needs to deliver sales, but the benefit must be understood and as we will move on to discuss should be measurable. If the business benefit becomes too intangible then it can become difficult to determine success, if this happens too frequently its easy to suddenly find yourself with a system that delivers no positive business outcomes.
A feature that only delivers business value will struggle to gain traction and will do harm by persuading your users that there is nothing for them to gain from engaging with your software. Eventually a critical mass of users will reach this conclusion and your user base will collapse.
A good feature could be controversially described as a bribe, or at least a situation where you and users come to an informal unspoken agreement, they will do what you want them to do in exchange for what you're prepared to offer them.
Verifiable Success
The success of a feature shouldn't be intangible or abstract, the success of a business is neither of these things so the feature you develop to achieve that success shouldn't be either.
Before a new feature enters development there should be a hypothesis on why it will be successful and how that success is going to be measured. As we've already discussed success doesn't have to just be about the bottom line but any success worth achieving should be measurable.
Basing success on measurable analytics gives you the freedom to explore less obvious ideas, combined this with A\B testing and an effective mechanism to turn features on and off and you will provide yourself a platform to take more risks with the features you decide to try.
This also presents the opportunity to learn, the behaviour of large numbers of users is often unpredictable and counter intuitive. In this environment deploying a feature that has no defined measure of success is akin to gambling that your knowledge of your user base is complete and comprehensive, how confident are you that this is the case?
Do No Harm
Each new feature comes on the heels of those that have come before it, if you've been effective these existing feature will be delivering value both for you and your users. If this is the case then the ultimate fail would be for a new feature to degrade the performance or otherwise compromise this value chain.
No new feature should put at risk the effective operation of what has come before. This shouldn't be because of any shortcomings in the feature itself but also its development shouldn't serve to distract development effort from fixing defects or inefficiencies that currently exist in production.
Users can become frustrated by a lack of features, but they become angry when features they do want to use fail them. Too often a release can be seen as underwhelming if it only contains defects fixes but these releases can deliver the most value because they are fixing and improving features that you know users are already engaged with.
Feature development is an inexact science, if there was a guaranteed formula to delivering them then no enterprise would ever fail. It also means that the advice given in this post also comes with no guarantee, but hopefully it enforces the fact that new features need thought and a feature for the sake of delivering a feature is unlikely to benefit anybody. Once again in software engineering we may have found in an instance where less is more.
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