Sunday, 21 October 2018

The Value of Working

In software development we spend a large amount of time defining, debating and discovering how things work. It sounds like a simple enough question, does this software work or not? To a first approximation there can be a simple yes or no answer but the reality is usually more complicated.

Software engineering is often full of debate about the rights and wrongs of a solution, sometimes they are critical sometimes they are superficial.

Given that, how can we define when software is working?

But, why?

The fact that software is working should come with an explanation as to how, anytime this explanation delves into magic or the unexplainable "just because" then the code being fit for purpose can be called into question.

This is because the working state of software isn't binary, there can be degrees of working. Something may work but be insecure, something may work but be inefficient, something may work but only if you don't stray from the golden path.

No software is perfect, or potentially even truly finished, so some of these short comings may be acceptable, but without an effective explanation of how something works they will remain undiscovered for that determination to be made.

Obviously limits need to be placed on this explanation, it isn't necessary to understand how everything works from your code all the way down to the metal, at least not in most circumstances. But every line of code that came from your key strokes should have a clear explanation to define its existence.

Show Me

Every line of code that ever produced a defect was at one point looked upon by a developer declared to be working. But working shouldn't be an opinion, it should demonstrable by the presence of a passing test.

Legacy code is often defined as code without tests and not necessarily related to age. The reason for this is because the fear that legacy code generates comes from the inability to prove it is working. This limits the ability to refactor or evolve the code because of the risk that it will no longer fulfil its duties.

In order to maintain our faith in tests they should evolve as our understanding of the code being tested evolves. Defects in production happen despite the face tests declared the code to be working, when this is proven not to be the case the tests should evolve to catch this imperfection next time.

Enough is Enough

Code being declared to be working is not necessarily the end of the story, working is a minimum requirement. Is it secure? Will it scale? Can it be tested? Are all questions that may prolong the amount of attention that needs to be paid to the code being worked on.

While these things are important they can also lead to procrastination, the ability to recognise when something is good enough only comes with experience. Inexperience often tends to push towards either stopping at the first solution or a tendency to prematurely optimise for situations that may never arise.

Developing a more rounded attitude to this situation is born from a pragmatism that software needs to ship combined with the scars of releasing before something was truly working. To this point whether or not software continues to work post release is also something that shouldn't be taken for granted, continuing to monitor your software once its in the hands of users is what will enable you to make a better judgement next time around.

Software engineering is a discipline where the state of readiness of the end product is not a universal truth and can be in the eye of the beholder. Often something can be deemed working because it has shipped, reality often eventually proves this fallacy wrong. To a greater or lesser extent no-one has other shipped bug-free software, we shouldn't torment ourselves about that fact but just realise that working is a state in time, our job is to optimise our code such that it works for the longest possible period of time.

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